So i am slacking, big time. Morseso than usual. I have excuses, I swear. Plenty of excuses of why I am not studying for my upcoming 2 weeks of classes and tests...plenty of excuse, very valid points in fact... But truth be told, I think I am slacking mostly because I think the subject matter is quite dull.
Yes I admit it. I would rather be reading something else, which I have been doing most of the weekend. Blazingly hot and sticky humid here on the Atlantic Coast. Fueled by an almond mocha blended, putting some last minture touches on the treehouse. It really is starting to come together and I am quite excited about my newly paired down closet/wardrobe. The imensity of my wardrobe was seriously daunting. As much as I love fashion, I gave in, getting rid of at least a third of my clothing. The closet is in order, the shoes are another story but I shall get around to it when I can...
RSB is feeling very restless without tv. I am the opposite, I find it much more relaxing without a constant stream of Law and Order or Orioles games running in the background.
It all ties in with the serenity that I am trying to achieve. Calm, peaceful, stressfree zone which is conducive for creating. We went out and bought RSB some sketch books and pencils today. The guitars are propped up around the office, begging to be played. He has a large countertop for tee shirt design. My workstation isnt completely in place but I'm not stressin it...this insurance class will completely tie up the next 2 weeks of my life.
So off to bed for some much needed shut eye. Tomorrow is my first day of school!!! I'm not nervous in the bit, nor have I put much thought into my outfit, very odd for me. Usually I have the first weeks clothing mapped out...I think more than anything, I'm just too tired to sweat the small things...