Another perfect east coast summer day. Cool enough to turn off the AC and open all of the huge windows in the treehouse and let some fresh air in. I arose early and decided to take in a 930 am yoga class...blissful, very meditative; wonderful start to the day. And I committed. I bought my 10 class pass, which we really cant afford right now, but RSB and I decided that I should put part of my raise towards things that enrich me on both the physical and soul level, especially since I have cut all of that out since RSB has been between jobs. I was grateful to be able to reconnect with my breath. My body is far from yoga shape but starting to practice again is the only way I am going to get there.
After class I came home to a still snoozing RSB and had a smoothie and some organic eggs on apple oat toast and just relished in the blissful calm waves coursing through my body. Then decided to do a mineral soak, slathering Mario Badescu Cucumber mask on my face, lighting some incense and candles and letting the hot fragrant water soak my muscles. Very peaceful, relaxing day...
Now here I am, 830 on a Saturday night, bored as hell. RSB is at a Ravens preseason game with his brother. Recently I have become ultra aware of how far away from my friends I actually am. All of my friends out here are actually his friends. So when RSB is off, doing his own thing, sometimes I become quite aware of actually how alone I am. Which usually doesnt bother me. I enjoy solitude at times. But then there comes those restless evenings where I just want to be anywhere but inside. Of course driving to an unfamiliar part of the city late at night to meet him after the game isn't really sounding too appealing...
So here I am, laying on my 1000 thread count sheets, listening to the crickets song, feeling the cool breeze rustling the curtains, kitty purring away next to me...and with al this soothing calmness I am completely amped and restless and have nothing to exert my energy into...not even a run since my ipod pooped out on me...
I should be cleaning up the place, finally finishing that final 10% of the unpacking, but thats even more unappealing than laying here...maybe sugar free redbulls late in the evening isnt exactly the greatest idea...