About this time last year I made one of the toughest decisions of my life. While evaluating my life, I realized that I had everything I thought I wanted. An extremely well-paying job, a gorgeous overpriced apartment, a cool vehicle, nice clothes and accessories and a rockstar boyfriend who loved me, wholeheartedly. All I was missing from my perfect life was my beach house...oh and a little thing called bliss...
I was in insurance sales for the one of the largest companies in the world. And I was very successful. But everyday after work I would get in my car and cry. Bawl my eyes out the whole way to my deluxe apartment in the sky. And I was becoming mean. I was really starting to despise people. And myself. So I made a choice, one that I have never regretted. I walked away. With no other job lined up. Just walked away. It was either that or lose my soul. I chose the path which was most blissful and certainly least taken. I lived off the money I had saved for my beach house until February of this year, when I found my current blissful company, a company that actually has yoga Fridays until summertime and then its just halfday Fridays.
Of course, in a perfect world, I would not be working in insurance. My passion is writing. A passion which I have been surpressing these last couple of years. Its been so long since I have actually looked forward to going to work in the morning. But I have found this with the current insurance job. Sometimes a girl just has to pay the bills while pursuing her passion in her spare time. Thats the path I am on right now.
With the upcoming move I have decided I need to simplify...didnt someone, maybe Thoreau say, "when you simplify your life, the world becomes simpler." Well I am staring out at a big ol complicated mess which vaguely resembles my life. I think its in there somewhere under the clothes and purses and pottery barn throw pillows and shoes and beauty products. Just need to dig it out...
It just may take a little longer than I want it to, to locate it in all that rubble.
Rollin my sleeves on up.
Diggin on it.
~with hope~
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