Right now I have taken to sitting directly on the deck in an attempt to catch a wireless signal on my mac book. All the technical problems we have faced living here are maybe the thing I will miss least (besides the ants). I always thought to myself that I could totally live without my computer, without the tv. A simple life. Which I can, for the most part. But knowing you've paid your roommates for said services and that they decided to spend said money elsewhere...well, enough said. The move is exactly two weeks away and we are being such slackers. Nothing is packed except the stuff I never unpacked upon my move down here in January. I guess deep down I knew that I would not last long in this place. This black hole of no wireless signals...
Last night I convinced rockstar boyfriend a twilight stroll along the water was in order. Rockstar boyfriend is feeling stressed about my utter disgust regarding our living situation and is eager to move on (to the apartment he loved so much that he immediately decided that there was no need to look anywhere else) And he is quite understanding about my overwhelming need to start fresh in a place that is not teeming with negative energy...a fresh clean start, a new palette to create for our life together...and ever so patient when I decide I must capture the twilight fishers in just the right light...
We both keep putting off the inevitable purging. Even though we will both have our own walk-in closets along with plenty of other storage space, I want both of us to get rid of at least 25% of our clothing. We have so much, which always results in clutter, this having more than we need. Moving is the perfect time to declutter, to simplify. Our lifestyles, our possessions, our diets. A current preoccupation with purity, if you couldnt tell already...
To getting back to basics.
An attempt to escape that dorning feeling that has been engulfing me for years.
A chance to always feel as I do, when I reconnect with Mother Earth, barefeet in the grass, face up to the sun, heart filled with bliss.
The fix I so crave.
The bliss junkie that I am...
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